Por causa da crise não fui ver a Rihanna ao vivo e a cores no pavilhão transatlântico. Consta que foi um espectáculo memorável, ou, como diria o saudoso João Bénard da Costa, «inadjectivável». Menos não se podia esperar da «Only girl in the world» que, além de ter transformado as onomatopeias numa espécie de Esperanto da pop actual, adicionando vários Ella-ella-ella-ay. Oh-na-na. Ay-ayy-ay-ayy-ay-ayy nas suas canções, aprofunda em cada álbum uma escatologia do sexo. O álbum deste ano, «Talk that talk», como o nome indica, não é excepção. Apesar do seu carácter monotemático, a obra de Rihanna teve este ano o seu momento Bressoniano. É conhecida a frase do filme «Pickpocket» (1959), retirei-a do citador, em que Michel diz atrás das grades: «Oh, Jeanne, quel drôle de chemin il m'a fallu prendre pour aller jusqu'à toi...». Rihanna transplantou a frase para o seu universo temático, afirmando «We found our love in a hopeless place». A frase expõe as antinomias do princípio do prazer, entrando em diálogo com o conceito lacaniano de jouissance, no qual o prazer se desdobra em dor, ou desprazer. O termo jouissance exprime a satisfação paradoxal que o sujeito retira do seu próprio sintoma ou, dito de outra forma, a satisfação que ele obtém do seu próprio sofrimento. O vídeo de Rihanna parece-me elucidativo a esse respeito.
Longe da desfaçatez de Rihanna, mas igualmente talentosa, Beyoncé lançou este ano o álbum «Beyoncé 4». Menos baladeira e sem as ego-trips que Kanye West popularizou, Beyoncé explora as nuances da sua persona no álbum. Desta feita enquanto mulher casada e feliz, que sussurra ao ouvido do marido, o multi-talentoso Jay-Z, «you ain't gotta worry 'bout a club, just come on lay up under me tonight». Lar doce lar, afinal de contas a casa é o lugar onde mora o coração.
Por falar em «clubs», a Britney Spears regressou este ano com um álbum formalmente velvetiano, intitulado «femme fatale», mas cujo conteúdo aponta directamente para as pistas de dança. Depois de Richard Thompson ter interpretado «Oops, I did it again», legitimando a sua aparente banalidade, têm-se multiplicado as exegeses sobre a obra de Britney. Mas nem tanto ao mar, nem tanto à terra.
Assim como a dialéctica tem um terceiro excluído, não há três divas sem uma quarta ausente. A ausente é uma estrela em ascensão, chama-se Azealia Banks, tem o deboche como ocupação, o single «212» como aperitivo, e a frase «I guess that cunt getting eaten» como a punch-line do ano da graça de 2011:
Hey, I can be the answer
I'm ready to dance when they vamp up
And when they hit that dip get your camera
You can see when that bitch sets the pamper
And get in that young sister beacon
The bitch who wants to compete and
I can freakin fit that pump with the peep in
And you know what your bitch become when her weaved in
I just wanna sip that punch with your peeps and
Sit in that lunch if your treating
Kick it with your bitch who come from…
You knows where to get mine from in the season
Unless you wanna lick my plum in the evening
And flick that tongue, tongue d-deep in
I guess that cunt getting eaten
I guess that cunt getting eaten
I guess that cunt getting eaten
I guess that cunt getting eaten
I guess that cunt getting eaten
I'm ready to dance when they vamp up
And when they hit that dip get your camera
You can see when that bitch sets the pamper
And get in that young sister beacon
The bitch who wants to compete and
I can freakin fit that pump with the peep in
And you know what your bitch become when her weaved in
I just wanna sip that punch with your peeps and
Sit in that lunch if your treating
Kick it with your bitch who come from…
You knows where to get mine from in the season
Unless you wanna lick my plum in the evening
And flick that tongue, tongue d-deep in
I guess that cunt getting eaten
I guess that cunt getting eaten
I guess that cunt getting eaten
I guess that cunt getting eaten
I guess that cunt getting eaten
I was in the 212 on the uptown
Hey nigga nigger, you know what's up or don't you?
Wonder who made ya
I'ma rude bitch nigga nigger, what are you made up of
I'ma eat your food up, boo
I could bust your 8, I'ma do one too
Fuck it
When you do make bucks
I'ma look right, nigga nigger, I bet you do want to fuck
Fuck 'em like you do want to come
…you discovered I'm a 212
Cock-a-licking in the water…
Caught the warm goo and you do right too son
Nigga Nigger, you're a cooler dude
Plus your bitch might lick it
Wonder who let you come 212, what do you…son
Fuck are you in to, huh?
Niggas Niggers better do run run
You could get shot homie if you do want to
Put your guns up
Tell your crew don't front
I'm a hoodlum nigga nigger
You know you were too once
Bitch about to blew up to
I'm the one today
I'm the new shit too
Yeah I'm Rapunzel
Who are you bitch, new lunch?
I'ma ruin you cunt!
I'ma ruin you cunt!
I'ma ruin you cunt!
I'ma ruin you cunt!
Hey nigga nigger, you know what's up or don't you?
Wonder who made ya
I'ma rude bitch nigga nigger, what are you made up of
I'ma eat your food up, boo
I could bust your 8, I'ma do one too
Fuck it
When you do make bucks
I'ma look right, nigga nigger, I bet you do want to fuck
Fuck 'em like you do want to come
…you discovered I'm a 212
Cock-a-licking in the water…
Caught the warm goo and you do right too son
Nigga Nigger, you're a cooler dude
Plus your bitch might lick it
Wonder who let you come 212, what do you…son
Fuck are you in to, huh?
Niggas Niggers better do run run
You could get shot homie if you do want to
Put your guns up
Tell your crew don't front
I'm a hoodlum nigga nigger
You know you were too once
Bitch about to blew up to
I'm the one today
I'm the new shit too
Yeah I'm Rapunzel
Who are you bitch, new lunch?
I'ma ruin you cunt!
I'ma ruin you cunt!
I'ma ruin you cunt!
I'ma ruin you cunt!
Ayo, ayo
I heard you're riding with the same tall, tall tale
Tell him I made some, made some
Saying you're grinding but you ain't going nowhere, nowhere!
Why procrastinate girl?
You gotta lie, but you just waste all yourself
They'll forget your name soon, name soon
And want nobody be the same as yourself, yeah
I heard you're riding with the same tall, tall tale
Tell him I made some, made some
Saying you're grinding but you ain't going nowhere, nowhere!
Why procrastinate girl?
You gotta lie, but you just waste all yourself
They'll forget your name soon, name soon
And want nobody be the same as yourself, yeah
What you gonna do when I ain't up there
W-when I premier
Bitch the end of their lives are there
This ship ain't mine, mine!
What you gonna do when I ain't up there
W-when I premier
Bitch the end of their lives are there
This ship ain't mine, mine!
W-when I premier
Bitch the end of their lives are there
This ship ain't mine, mine!
What you gonna do when I ain't up there
W-when I premier
Bitch the end of their lives are there
This ship ain't mine, mine!
Bitch I'm in the 212
With the fifth cock nigga nigger
Its the 212
Fuck your gun, dude!
When your goons sprayed up
Bet his bitch won't get him
Betcha you won't do much
See, even if you do want to bust
Your bitch … and touch your crew up to pop
You're playing with your butter like you do want to cock the gun too
Where did you eat too, hun?
And fuck him with your cutie-cue …
What's your dick like homie?
What are you into?
What's the run dude?
Where do you wake up?
Tell your bitch, "Keep hating"
I'm a new one too, huh
See I remember you when you were the young new face
But you do like to slumber don't you
Now you blew up too hun
I'ma ruin you cunt!
I'ma ruin you cunt!
I'ma ruin you cunt!
What you gonna do when I ain't up there
W-when I premier
Bitch the end of their lives are there
This ship ain't mine, mine!
What you gonna do when I ain't up there
W-when I premier
Bitch the end of their lives are there
This ship ain't mine, mine!
With the fifth cock nigga nigger
Its the 212
Fuck your gun, dude!
When your goons sprayed up
Bet his bitch won't get him
Betcha you won't do much
See, even if you do want to bust
Your bitch … and touch your crew up to pop
You're playing with your butter like you do want to cock the gun too
Where did you eat too, hun?
And fuck him with your cutie-cue …
What's your dick like homie?
What are you into?
What's the run dude?
Where do you wake up?
Tell your bitch, "Keep hating"
I'm a new one too, huh
See I remember you when you were the young new face
But you do like to slumber don't you
Now you blew up too hun
I'ma ruin you cunt!
I'ma ruin you cunt!
I'ma ruin you cunt!
What you gonna do when I ain't up there
W-when I premier
Bitch the end of their lives are there
This ship ain't mine, mine!
What you gonna do when I ain't up there
W-when I premier
Bitch the end of their lives are there
This ship ain't mine, mine!
ganda som!
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